ICT Development Project
Corporate Infocom Pvt Ltd, a company situated in New Delhi is working all over India from December 2007. The company is working to provide IT knowledge all over India, which is a venture before Digital India. The main objective of the company is to provide IT literacy to as many people as possible and they are giving their best to promote IT literacy. The company is working over ICT project where ICT stands for Information Communication Technology, which in simple words means that using IT for any type of communication. We all are always surrounded by one or another ICT, i.e WhatsApp, Facebook, Wikipedia, etc. All these are the examples of ICT. The ICT project of Corporate Infocom Pvt Ltd is basically divided into 3 parts.
1. Website designing
2. Promoting website
3. Earning through AdSense
I will explain to you each and every feature provided by Corporate Infocom Pvt Ltd. CIPLtrains you on how to develop your own website using WordPress and then earning through it. The company provides you with the following which are required to build a website, promoting it and then to earn through it.
a). Domain
Domain name is the name of the website you want to choose. For example –www.facebook.com, www.cipl.net.in, www.twitter.com, all these are domain names of websites. Company purchase the domain name for you whichever you want for your website.
b). Web Hosting
Web hosting also called server is also provided to you. It can be explained as a space on the internet to host your website. It is an internationally secured Linux server hosting.
c). Content Management System
There is a big myth that you need coding languages to design your website- java, PHP, blah blah. But you don’t know coding? Don’t worry CIPL got the solution for you. CIPL will train you how to build a website using a Content Management System. You don’t need any coding for this. Isn’t it cool?
d). CS Web Blade
This feature provided by CIPL is just out of the box, the company provides you with thousands of licensed themes and plugins which you can use to make your website out of the box.
e). C Panel
It is the Control Panel of your website, you can control all the settings of your website through CPanel. It also provides with some complimentary features like Mail Tracker, Comment Tracker, Email on your domain, etc.
f). Training
The company will provide you with proper training from basic to advance level.
g). AdSense Earnings
The company will also train you about how to earn income in dollars through your blog/website. Earning platforms are Google AdSense, Affiliate Marketing, Etc.
h). Digital Marketing School
Digital marketing refers to advertising delivered through digital channels such as search engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile apps.
It is a magnificent platform provided by the company. DAVSY can help you in growing your website/blog very fast. DAVSY will help your blog with the these features- Stronger social media following, Increased audience engagement, Increased Website traffic, Enhanced brand image, greater brand authority, more brand visibility.
With the help of Corporate Online Institute Of Professional Learning, the company also provided with an online institute to learn additional things for your website/blog. This includes Search Engine Optimisation▸ Social Media Optimisation▸ Search Engine Marketing ▸ Google AdSense Training ▸ Google Adwords▸ Affiliate Marketing ▸ Facebook Advertisement ▸ Google Analytics & Webmasters.