Laser Surgery for piles is performed on patients with Grade 3 or Grade 4 of piles. In these two stages of the disease, hemorrhoids have to be surgically removed. Let me quickly brief you about the stages of the disease to better understand the treatments for the particular stage and procedures.

Grade 1 of Piles– In this stage, the hemorrhoid is very small and causes no discomfort. The patient mostly does not even notice this disease in the first stage as there are no symptoms in this stage.
Grade 2 of Piles– The hemorrhoid increases in size. A lump like structure is formed which generally protrudes out from the anus at the time of passing stool. The lump goes back inside after the bowel movement.
Grade 3 of Piles– In this stage, the lump does not go back inside after passing stool and needs to be pushed back. This can be a little painful.
Grade 4 of Piles– The hemorrhoid remains permanently outside in this stage of the disease. It is very painful for the patient. There can be a pain in the anal area while sitting or lying down due to the pressure exerted on hemorrhoid.
Grade 1 or 2 or hemorrhoid can be cured with changes in diet and medication. The surgical procedure is not required in this stage. The hemorrhoid is generally not even painful or discomforting in this stage. The patient generally gets relief with medicines and altering lifestyle during these stages.
In some stages, the patient does not realize about the disease during the first two stages. If a person is diagnosed with grade 3 or 4 of piles, he needs surgery. Immediate surgery is required in the fourth stage.
Who is eligible for laser surgery for piles?
Piles are of two types, external and internal piles. Both these types can be treated with laser treatment in the severe stages where surgery is required. People with stage 3 or 4 are recommended to get the surgery. The laser surgery is completely safe and every fit person can get the surgery to expect in the following cases:
- A pregnant female cannot undergo laser surgery for piles.
- Patients with other conditions or diseases which can cause complications. This can be found out only after the doctor examines the patient.
- Patients with very small hemorrhoids. In such cases, the patient can get rid of piles even with medication and changes in diet.
Laser Surgery for Piles
High energy laser energy is used instead of the open surgery for removal of piles. The laser surgery is not at all painful, complicated or inconvenient like the open surgery or the rubber band method. Patients suffering from chronic constipation for a long time are on a high risk of getting piles. The laser surgery is completely safe and is a much better option than any other surgery.
All arrangements are made for the surgery before the patient arrives. No time is wasted in the treatment. The patient is taken for the surgery as soon as he arrives at the hospital. The doctor does some tests and checks the heart rate of the patient to make sure he is fit for the surgery. The patient is then taken for the surgery. The whole operation lasts for about thirty minutes. The patient is given general anesthesia before the surgery.
The patient will not have any pain at the time fo surgery. There would be no pain even after the surgery. The patient would be moved to the normal room and advised to rest for some hours in the hospital. A light means is given by the hospital to the patient. The doctor visits the patient after some hours of the surgery. If the patient is completely healthy and there are no complications, the patient can go home.
The doctor also tells the patient about the follow-up schedule. Make sure to not miss the follow-ups and be on time. All the follow-ups after the surgery are free of cost.
Benefits of Laser Surgery
- Quick surgery in less than thirty minutes.
- Short recovery period. The patient can resume normal life in two to three days.
- Day Care Surgical Procedure. The patient can go back home the same day after the surgery.
- No cuts or stitches. Small incisions are made for laser surgery.
- Not painful.
- Does not leave behind scars.
- No side effects.
- No risk of infections
- No chance of reoccurrence
- 100 % success rate
- Very less blood loss during the surgery.
- No post surgery pain
- No risk of Incontinence Fecal Leak
- No strong medication or bed rest required after the surgery.
What happens after the Surgery?
The patient can go home after resting for some hours of the surgery, by this time, even the effect of the anesthesia is over and the patient can feel if there is any discomfort. In the majority of the cases, there is no complication or side effect.
But for patients with sensitive skin or low immune system, there can be small side effects which can be easily controlled by the professionals. Some patients may experience slight itching, swelling or pain around the anus after the surgery or have slight discomfort or bleeding after the first bowel movement post the surgery.
The doctors can easily deal with such situations. The doctor may even prescribe medication for one or two days to avoid complications. The patient also has to follow some precautions and home-treatments told by the doctor such as:
- Avoid workout or weightlifting for three to four days after the surgery.
- Apply the ice pack once a day on the treated area. If there is pain or irritation around the anal area, you may repeat the ice pack procedure to get instant relief.
- Drink a lot of water and eat healthy food including fruits and vegetables. Avoid spicy, oily junk food and other foods that cause bloating. Eat healthy food for easy bowel movements.
Consult your doctor in case of any pain, discomfort or complication. Keep your doctor updated with your health and follow the diet and exercise given by the doctor to follow after the surgery.
Do not miss the follow-up appointment. Mention any complications occurred after the surgery.