End Bruxism Stop Grinding Your Teeth With These Basic Practices
In our generation, more and more people are experiencing bruxism or teeth grinding. About 10% of those people who grind their teeth are doing it with an intensity that their teeth are getting into smaller snubs. This condition can affect people of all ages, from childhood to adulthood. Teeth Grinding can cause headaches, critical tooth damage, and jaw disorders.
While bruxism may happen at any point of the day, the vast majority of people are doing it during the night for oral health. More so, some don’t know that they are experiencing it except if their dentist or sleeping partner mentions it. However, if you already notice that you’re grinding your teeth every night, here are some of the techniques on how to stop this disorder.
Understand Bruxism
Bruxism is a state where a person chews, clenches, or grinds his or her teeth unconsciously. It is usually related to everyday stress. Nevertheless, bruxism maybe also due to a local or general condition such as occlusal issues.
Further, some people do clench or grind their teeth even in the day, but bruxism usually happens at night when the person sleeps. Due to this, it can sometimes be hard to diagnose bruxism by yourself.
Reduce Your Stress Level
In most cases, people who usually grind their teeth are experiencing so much stress. Also, in some cases, they are not even aware that they do it while sleeping which is making it harder to manage.
Thus, the essential step in your plan to stop bruxism is to try to reduce your stress level. There are plenty of ways for you to do this; exercise, find time to relax before bed, yoga, stress management techniques, and changing your diet.
Calcium and Magnesium Intake
Magnesium and Calcium and are essential for nervous system health and muscle function. If you don’t have sufficient amount of these minerals, you may acquire problems with muscle tension, clenching, and other physiological issues.
Bear in mind that your heart is a muscle and it can suffer from lack of calcium or even stress or. This remedy can take up to several weeks to work.
Avoid Chewing Non-Food Objects
When you want to end your teeth-grinding habit, you should stop from stress-related practices that can affect your mouth.
For instance, if you are chewing on pens or pencils when you are feeling stressed, you have to eliminate that habit. If it is hard for you to change; you can suck on a mint or chew gum whenever you have the urge to nibble on non-food items, and slowly detach yourself from them.
Perform Relief Exercises
The clenching of teeth or night grinding is sometimes related to over-tensed or overworked or muscles. As more activity is increasing, the more involuntary motion will be present. Hence, by performing muscle relief exercises, you can relax the stressed muscles and bring it to an entirely soothed condition.
Moreover, you can massage the muscles of the face, neck, shoulders, forehead, and jaw a few minutes before going to bed at night.
Use Occlusal Tool
Another way to prevent tooth and protect your teeth from a fracture is to wear an occlusal tool. These instruments have several names, including occlusal bite guards, occlusal splints, bruxism appliances, night guards, and bite plates.
These devices are custom made and specially fitted mouthpieces that will fit on the top or bottom teeth. Also, wearing one of these tools will lessen jaw pain and guard your both temporomandibular joint and teeth. The occlusal tools are often worn during and considered as the medication of choice.
Night clenching or grinding may not appear so serious; where most people ignore this condition. But if one has better knowledge about this habit, then he or she can stop bruxism before it can damage our overall oral health. Bruxism can be harmful in the long run. The condition damages your teeth if you don’t get help.