The thing to bend and the thing to carry on — “Benefits & Procedure”, itself!
This time, here we are with the both, in respect to the ESI Registration. Yes, from the very point you will be glancing the same.
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All right, turning a few pages back to the subject to which we are here today. Of course – to know the benefits and the procedure of ESIC registration.
So, let’s get ready for the rumble…
Benefits Of ESIC || ESI Registration
ESI registration is mandatory for a specified class of wage earners who earns less than or equal to Rs 21,000 per month following the social security benefits:

Medical Benefit
Medical benefits to an employee and his family members.
The responsibility of medical benefits depends on the state government. There are usually three types of medical benefits as shown in the table below:

- First, full medical care, to the person as well as his family members who are suffering from the same. However, the benefits starts from the very day he enters insurable employment, i.e. from 1 day of employment.
- There is no limit to the expenditure on the treatment of the insured or his family member.
- Medical care is also provided to retired and permanently disabled insured persons and their spouse on payment of a token annual premium of Rs 120.

Sickness Benefit
The benefit of the disease is usually in the form of cash given to the insured in the event of illness, resulting in the absence of work and duly certified by a certified insurance medical officer.

Disablement Benefit
Disability benefits to insured employees suffering from physical inefficiency due to injury or occupational illness.

Dependent Benefit
Dependent Benefit (Family Pension) is payable to the dependents of the deceased insured person, where death is due to employment injury or occupational illness.

Maternity Benefit
Maternity benefit is payable to the insured women in case of abortion or abortion or related illness from pregnancy.

Some Other Benefits

Benefits have come to end!
Now, let’s discuss the Procedure Of ESIC || ESI Registration, illustrated as follows:
Procedure Of ESIC || ESI Registration
Steps for the ESIC || ESI Registration Process are as follows:

ESI Registration Application
Within 15 days of the Act, it is applicable to the establishment or factories, an application should be submitted in the registered form of the employer in the concerned Regional Office (Form-01).

Code Number
For all correspondence in relation to the scheme, a 17-digit identification number known as code number will be provided. With Form 1, it is necessary to submit returns on the declaration in Form 3.

Insurance Number
Insurance number, to identify the particular employee.
Yes – for the purpose of identification under the scheme, an insurance number is given to the employee.

Temporary Identity Card
Temporary Identity Card, to have the medical benefits.
More likely, if one wish to have all the medical benefits. Then, he himself and his/her family members needs to have a temporary identification card.

Permanent Photo Identity Card
To this, employees at first have to file a form named – Form 1.
Later, the employee have to submit two copies of a family photograph. Thereafter, the employee have to deposit all the documents to the concerned ESIC branch office.
This was all about the formal process. Now, let’s evaluate the procedure for registering as a new unit, illustrated as follows:
Procedure For Registering As A New Unit
Here is the procedure for registering as a new unit, as follows –
- First of all, login to the ESIC homepage- and click on “Click here to login”.
- Thereafter, you will be directed to the page shown below; Then select sign-up.
- After being directed to the sign-up page, enter the required details like company name, the name of principal employer, state and region, email address and click Submit.
- Now, after successful sign-up with login credentials, you will be sent an email.
- Once, you log in again with login credentials at
- Now, select new employer registration.
- With the selection of new employer registration, you will be directed to a new page, where you have to select the type of unit depending on your situation.
- Now you can fill in the details in Form 01 (Employer Registration Form), Check the Declaration and click submit as per the image below.
- On the final screen, when you check the announcement box, the system populates the advertising invoice details, now click submit.
- You will go directly to the payment link, click OK.
- Now you can select online or offline mode according to your convenience, Advance Challenge will be generated and continue to proceed for the payment gateway and pay accordingly.
Finally, all done!
Let’s jump over to the conclusion:
Here is the wrapping of the same blog post.
This crown audit takes you with the complete ESIC & ESI Registration fragments. Needless to say – have a look at the process and your registration is almost done!
Yes, for sure – by looking at the above-mentioned benefits and frequent procedure, one will opt to have the registration.
Long lasting with the complete audit, you will experience a never ending procedure. This leads to the end of the blog.
We hope this blog helped you. Do share the blog with your peers.