Beauty Brands
I’ve been a fashion-conscious girl for as far back as I can remember. Even as a precocious three-year-old, I was in the habit of dolling myself up with my mother’s expensive line of makeup. Something about the exaggerated mascara and eyeliner thrilled me. The velvety blush on, the dramatic lipstick, and the gleaming nail polishes brought warmth to the deepest recesses of my soul.
And what I loved even more than my own cosmetic look was coming to terms with people’s reaction. This bordered from plain revulsion and shock to grudging envy & admiration! I reveled (and still do) in the attention that makeup brought to my personality. I felt that it helped to bring out the true me – free from any ugliness and perceived imperfections. A recent hughesnet internet web search caused me to contemplate over the likelihood of suffering from a personality disorder.
But honestly, I’m really not that concerned.
I am who I am, and am not ashamed to admit it. And I most certainly am not prepared to dim my light just because it may shine a little too brightly for some people’s comfort. Because that’s their problem – not mine!
And I Owe My Remarkable Look to…
In my journey towards becoming a self-described and homegrown beauty queen, I had to rely on a product. And not just any product – but what I found to be the very best in terms of cosmetic prowess. My grand look, in large part, is attributed to these fashion items. And, of course, to the beauty brands responsible for manufacturing them.
These truly are some visionary companies, because they make people both look & feel good. And we really could have more of these two sentiments in today’s world. A world in which everyone seems to be bent on belittling one another.
Over here, I’ve listed five incredible beauty brands that you should start using today. Their products, of which I’ve given recommendations, are not too expensive to attain. And they will definitely last you for a complete season’s worth of applications.
Natasha Denona
As someone who regularly likes to keep in touch with the latest fashion and pop culture news, I was really excited about the launch of this brand. Natasha Denona is a globally recognized makeup artist. Prior to becoming an entrepreneur herself, she spent many years applying makeup to a barrage of showbiz icons. During this period, she became fed up with some of the face products available in the consumer market. In particular, she had a lot of issues with the popular lines of blush on and eyeshadow prevalent in fashion retailers. And so she decided to do something about these deficiencies and launched her own makeup empire.
Her blue-gray eyeshadow, in my opinion, is simply wonderful – and is nowadays a little hard to attain because of its heavy demand. Just a little application of this ethereal product goes a long way, and a single vial can last you for well over three months.
If you can, try to get hold of the complete Natasha Denona Face Kit before your next girls (or boys) night out. I promise that you won’t come to regret your purchase!
Milk Makeup
Milk Makeup, unlike what the brand’s name implies, is most certainly not in the business of making its cosmetics from milk! But what they do manage to whip up is simply awesome – and I mean this in every sense. From the company’s skin friendly and ‘porous’ face products line to affordable nail polishes and foot balms – the brand seems to sell everything.
I recently purchased their iconic foot massage lotion, and I haven’t ever felt my feet to be as soft as they become after its application. I was also gifted a free colorless smell repellant alongside – which would be great for any woman who regularly chooses to wear socks. Only that I never do…
I absolutely hate covering up any more than is necessary!
Cozzette Cosmetics is the brainchild of international makeup expert Roque Cozzette. The company boasts an amazing collection of inexpensive and waterproof makeup, which proves ideal for the summer season. I am particularly fond of their lipsticks, which do not chap in the least. Also, their compounds are vegan-friendly – so even if you accidentally eat them, it’s all good!
Necromancy Cosmetica
Necromancy Cosmetica, as a brand, caters to the Goth queens who live concealed inside every woman. They are designed to bring a little bit of the dark supernatural onto our skins. For starters, you should definitely check out their Count Van Scarlet crimson red lipsticks set. And if you’re really in the mood, go for their eye-polishing kit as well.
Star Crushed Minerals
Glitter, particularly when it comes mixed within the bases of our favorite cosmetics, can really accentuate our look. If the wedding season is right around the corner from where you live, consider spending some dollars on Star Crushed Mineral’s wildly popular ‘Golden Cleopatra’ kit. And with only one application, see all those wrinkles and laugh lines disappear.
In order to always keep my makeup regimen going, I take care to put a preorder on all of these brands through my Frontier Internet Plans. And well in advance of the time when my previous line of cosmetics is nearing its end. If you decide to purchase any of the beauty items mentioned in this post, test your skin for makeup allergies first. Because I really don’t want you to end up looking like a character due to some unforeseen skin reaction!