What is Acinetobacter infection?

As many diseases can be air-borne, some of them may even spread through direct contact. One such disease is Acinetobacter, which is basically a bacteria that is easily transmitted through direct contact with surfaces, objects, or the skin of people that are contaminated with Acinetobacter baumannii. Also called Acinetobacter baumannii infection or simply, Acinetobacter infection. It is a highly contagious disease.

You may catch the Acinetobacter infection if you are not careful with yourself. Generally, the disease can take a long time to heal if the infection is severe and you are having constant complications.

This blog is written to help you with the home remedies and diet plans which you can follow to protect yourself from Acinetobacter infection.

How is it caused?

Acinetobacter baumannii infection can be caused by the following ways:

  • It is caused by the Acinetobacter bacteria.
  • It is caused by direct contact.
  • Its sources are skin, food, water and soil.
  • It can be caused if you are following poor hygiene.
  • It can also be caused by a recent surgery.

What are its symptoms?

The symptoms of Acinetobacter infection are:

  • Pneumonia
  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Headache
  • Cough
  • Sleepiness
  • Nausea
  • Stiff neck
  • Redness in skin
  • Swollen skin
  • Inflammation of meningitis
  • Serious infections in the lungs, blood and brain
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Skin or wound infection
  • Weak immunity system

What are the home remedies and diet guide to treat or cure Acinetobacter infection?

If the causes and symptoms mentioned above, are similar in your case, then you could be having this disease. And, it is equally necessary to take immediate measures in order to prevent or cure yourself from such problems.

Below is an outline of solutions that will be of great help to you with the disease. What’s more? The home remedies and diet plans will save you the burden and cost of frequent hospital visits.

  • Do not share any personal items such as, clothes, towels, hair-brush, etc., from persons who are infected by Acinetobacter.
  • Avoid coming in direct contact with people when your are in a crowded place.
  • Wash your hands often with soap.
  • Cover your wounds with bandage.
  • Use anti-biotic medicines only under the instructions of your physician.
  • Use proper disinfectants in your home and surroundings.
  • Eat clean and hygienic foods, fruits and vegetables.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables properly.
  • Store fruits and vegetables in refrigerators and clean containers.

Every person should be responsible for themselves. Every precaution against the Acinetobacter infection will lessen your suffering. If you are well-prepared, then you will have a lesser chance of falling victim to Acinetobacter infection.