5 Benefits of Sublimated Personalised Football Shirts
Gone are the days when retailed football shirts used to make the cut. Today, it is the personalised sports kit that is outshining the rest.
Sports clubs and teams are extensively designing their own sports kits to meet their specific requirements. This decision comes with its own advantages and a few hiccups that can be cleared through right information.
There are a couple of small roadblocks that most sports clubs and teams face.
1. They are mostly stuck while selecting the right size. Here, experienced manufacturers like Zapkam prove a great help. One, they provide all the required details on their website about choosing the right size. Not only this, but they also offer the option to order sample sizes and try them on before placing the order.
2. Most clubs and teams can’t easily decide between embroidered logos and printed logos. Again, such manufacturers as Zapkam provide all the right details to help make an informed decision.
3. The theme of our blog today, most of them feel less informed about sublimation and the benefits of sublimated personalised football shirts.
Here, we lay down the details.
What is sublimation?
Sublimation is the process of printing on the fabric. In this process, inks are directly fused into the fabric using heat. This makes a print last longer and enhances the durability of the piece of clothing.
Benefits of Sublimated Personalised Football Shirts
Sublimation comes with its own benefits, especially when applied to football shirts. Let’s discuss some of those benefits here.
Sublimation Printer
To print a football shirt with a specific design and/or colour, logos of sponsor/s and names, numbers and initials of team members, a wide format sublimation printer is used.
Because the printer is wide, it can easily print the entire length of fabric in one go. This means, the resulting print will be clean, smart and flawless.
Hand Cut
If you have been impressed by the benefits of personalised sportswear then you would certainly fancy the idea of a hand cut shirt.
To elaborate, once the fabric is printed with the required details, it is then cut by hand to ensure a smooth, flawless cut.
Hand Stitched
Not only are the panels hand cut but also hand-stitched, thereby making the resulting piece of clothing a piece of art and intricately detailed.
Sublimated on Durable Polyester Material
For sportsmen, polyester is the master fabric that affords ease of movement and comfort on the field. Sublimation uses polyester material which makes the shirt not only impressive to look at but also comfortable and durable. It is a perfect win-win.
Highly Durable
Though we have already mentioned this point like a million times, but it is simply because we can’t really get our heads off of the fact that just how durable these sublimated prints are.
If you would ask us, how long does the print last, we are most likely to reply in one word – indefinitely.
Thus, With these details, we are certain we have cleared this minor roadblock for you and got you one step closer to your sublimated personalized football shirts.