Dog Feeding Tips
Do you think dogs can be as fit as their owners?
We as humans can be quite obsessed with our health. We go gluten-free; grow our own vegetables in the backyard and stress about keeping hydrated all day long. Why don’t we do the same for our domestic BFFs?
Don’t we wonder whether the dog food we bought from the supermarket is organic? Or how much should we feed our dogs? Are they getting enough nutrition for a long healthy life? Don’t you wish there was a guide for all things healthy for our pooches?!
Well, here it is! If you think that dogs are carnivorous, so they only like to eat meat – think again!
They need a proper dose of a balanced diet, just like us! And that includes carbohydrates, dietary fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals and of course, water!
Here are the tips and tricks to transforming your canine buddy into an ultimate fitness model:
Dogs Need a Balanced Diet
Admit it. Keeping pets at home costs money. We have all been there. We overlooked our dog’s nutritional needs to save our own pocket. Don’t do that!
Dogs need 25 different essential nutrients for growth, efficient metabolism and energy. Any quality dog food will provide them with the healthy supplies they all need.
I repeat. They need a balanced diet. Don’t rob them of these goodies for a few bucks!That’s right. Organic dog food is a smart investment.
A Perfect Diet:
We must ensure that the dog food we put so much trust in has no questionable chemical preservatives, pesticides, artificial color or flavor. We also don’t want to include unnecessary fat in their diet. How much should we feed our dogs?
If you care about your little friend, you must give them the best organic dog food.
But, when you run out of dog food, what do you do?You give them your food!
Dogs love meat – chicken or beef – raw or mildly cooked. You can skip salt and pepper.
Canned veggies are also great for cheat days. Just make sure you have removed the excess sodium.
Toxins to Avoid:
Here is a list of everything that your dog must avoid to stay fit and beautiful:
Addictive Substances:
Alcohol, caffeine, and chocolate are prohibited for dogs. Even a minute amount can result in emesis/vomiting and loose stools. Large consumption may result in seizures, internal bleeding, and heart attacks.
Plant-based Substances:
Onions, chives, garlic and leek causes purging, stomach ache, loss of appetite and diarrhea in dogs. Grapes and raisins are very dangerous for dogs, as they can cause kidney failures.
Parasitic Substances:
Mushroom, mold, and yeast can cause food poisoning in dogs resulting in seizures, muscle tremors, dehydration, vomiting, and anorexia.
Illnesses and Allergies
Sometimes your dogs don’t look so well. They may be lethargic or in pain. Their skin may look bad and overall, they may be even losing weight.I can assure you. A bad diet is the culprit.
Are you feeding them a lot of processed food? Itchy skin is common in puppies that consume lots of processed food.
GMO corn and wheat in dog food are quite dangerous for pets with allergies. It’s time to stop!
Remember. A balanced diet is key! Train them to have organic and nutritional dog food gradually. You can kiss the pain goodbye. However, check with a vet for advice and treatment for specific allergies.
You might be wondering what is H2O is. Trust me. It is one of the most crucial elements in the survival of species.
Dogs lived in the wild long before they were domesticated. They were dependent on natural supplies for their well-being and longevity.
Their parents slash owners need to make sure that they are having at least one ounce of water per body weight each day. So if your pooch weighs 60 ounces, it needs to be drinking approximately 60 ounces of water daily.
Start this plan and watch the results. Don’t be surprised if their furs suddenly begin to look more lustrous, and they want to wrestle with you more often.
Portion the Meals
Dogs have their own personalities. Some are lazy, some active. Some love to eat, while others are moody when it comes to food. You know your dogs.
If your dog is always starving and chasing you everywhere, try giving them three separate meals a day – morning, afternoon and evening. If your dogs are less fussy, two meals a day is ideal for them. That is the general golden rule.
Let’s be real. You measure your food and the protein intake, count the bottles of water you drink, weigh yourselves every night and what not. You also need to measure the portion you feed your dogs to reach their fitness goals.
People can purchase measuring cups for your dogs to ensure consistent intake of supplements into your dog’s body. You can increase the amount of days your dog gets too much exercise. The same goes for water. Give them more to drink on leg days!
Consider their age when it comes to portions. When they age and their metabolism slows down, they will need smaller scoops per meal. Meanwhile, pups need to be fed three to four times a day. After eight weeks, they can eat like adults.
Dining Hygiene
This is another thing that we are guilty of. Let me ask you one thing:How often do you wash your dog’s bowl? Once in three days? Once a week?Wrong!
You must wash it every day. What happens when you leave your dishes in the sink for three days? How about a week? Oh my God!
Your dog may think it cleaned the bowl with its tongue, but you know that’s not true. It is recommended that you wash the dog dish after serving them raw or fresh foods. Don’t forget the water bowl.
Plastic bowls soak up stench and bacteria. So, they are not very durable. Stainless steel and ceramic bowls are long-lasting, visually attractive and easy to clean. They make dog food look like a delicacy.
Weight and Exercise
You need to keep a record of your dog’s weight. Don’t let them get too fat or too skinny. Keep them fit.
Grab a bigger scoop of organic dog food for the ones who seem to be doing poorly in the weight department. On the other hand, plump ones not only need the lesser scoop, but they also need a good dose of exercises (like walking and playing) to keep them in shape.
Avoid fat food. You do not want to give them too many treats from your plate. Because let’s be honest, they don’t need desserts.
You can assign them a workout routine every single day for an hour or two according to their age, body weight, and stamina. Greyhound, Dalmatians, Vizsla, Labrador Retriever, Collies and Alaskan Malamutes have lots of stamina. Prepare a workout routine and you never know, they will bring you a trophy one day. Bulldogs, Chow Chows, Pugs and Chihuahuas don’t need a lot of exercises, so you can let them off the hook with a light walk or light play.
Final Thoughts
Now that we know everything there is to know about dog fitness, it is time to get to the action. Plan out the new fitness boot campand prepare to be amazed by the results. Don’t force them though.
Last but not the least; cuddle your pups and dogs. They are so adorable. Give them lots of love and be proud of their achievements. All the best!
Author Bio:
This article was written by Shawn. He is a teacher and responsible pet parent. He loves to share his experiences with his audiences. To know more about him and his articles, visit Feedfond.com.