With summer at its peak, it only makes sense to talk about this savior- the shade cloth. So many people just randomly buy a shade cloth without giving it a minute’s thought. Also known as a shade sail, these can stop your patio from turning into an open furnace and keep it cool enough to relax even during the scorching afternoon heat. There are few things which needs to keep in mind while buying the best shade cloth for your patio or garden:
Material and Quality Check

Shade Cloth
Buying a shade cloth without ensuring its quality doesn’t really make any sense, does it? Given how harsh the sun is during summers, your investment should yield in a shade sail that can effectively keep you protected and cool throughout the day. What that really means is that with the shift of the position of the sun and with varying heat levels, your shade cloth should also have the quality which can work in all given weather conditions during summer.
Area of Cover and Purpose
Judging the material and quality of the product also includes being mindful of the purpose of the space you need the shade cloth for. Is it a patio or a garden? Or is it an outdoor play area for the children? If the space needs cover for only the afternoon heat or throughout the day. Is the shade cloth only for summers or do you intend to keep it even during the winters? The countries or states facing extreme winters might want to keep the area open to the afternoon during winter times when the temperature plummets. All these play a role in buying the right quality of shade cloth for your house.
If it was even a decade ago, the appearance of something as necessary as a shade cloth wouldn’t have mattered. People would’ve bought it any color or design. But, given the present generation’s preference for everything aesthetic, there are options available when it comes to color or design of the shade clothes. However, the colour black is chosen the most due to its ability to keep out the harmful rays of the sun more than any other colour. You can get it customized to suit your preference in a given design.
Assessing the Investment
Lastly, assess the service, quality, and reputation of the brand/store you are buying the shade clothes from. Ideally, they should provide an engineer to set it all up or, you will be left responsible for everything after you have paid for the product. Check the warranty of the product and its replacement policies in case you don’t like it anymore after trying it in the space you wanted it in. These are things which should keep in mind while buying shade clothes for your house.
Price to Pay
Given the popularity of shade clothes courtesy their utility and necessity, many brands and dealers are now dealing in shade clothes of varying qualities, for different purposes and perhaps with different promises as well. However, you ought to keep your mind straight about what you are looking for and what should be the ideal price to pay for the product. For example, if you only need a low-quality, cheap shade cloth for short-term use, don’t give in to the trap of buying more expensive or fancier shade clothes by coming under the persuasion of the dealer/brand.