car insurance
Every year, your car insurance is a big part of your budget. But this is not inevitable: there are several ways to lower the price. Ethics explains how to save money with, for example, the Joker or the discount for those who ride little.
Would you not say no to a discount on your car insurance? So, good news! Here are some “tips & tricks” to bring down the price:
A reduction because you have no accident in the wrong
No accident at fault is equal to reward. Ethias grants you a discount on your mandatory RC insurance. Every year without an accident at fault will lower your premium. How does it work? To find out, read the article on the bonus-malus.
An additional reduction for the best drivers
It’s been three years since you drive without an accident at fault and your bonus-penalty is zero? Ethias thanks you with a 5% discount on your RC premium. After 8 years without damage, the reduction is 10%.
The Joker no premium increase if you cause an accident
Loyal customers who drive well are spoiled by Ethias. After 5 years without an accident, if your bonus-penalty is zero, you receive a Joker. You have an accident wrong afterward? You automatically play your Joker, and you keep your bonus-malus advantageous. Five years later, if you have not had an accident and your bonus-penalty is still zero, you get your Joker. Warning! To qualify for this advantage, you must be at least 29 years old.
Less than 10,000 km per year?
That makes a difference on your bill! You effortless than 10,000 km per year, and your bonus-penalty is between 0 and 2? You receive 15% off your RC premium. Also, if you have an omnium, you receive a 10% discount.
“Green” driving reduces your premium
For an electric car, you receive 30% off your RC premium and your omnium. For a hybrid model, the reduction is 20%.
An automatic reduction on a Mini Omnium or a Mini Omnium Plus after 2 years
Do you have a Mini Omnium or a Mini Omnium Plus? Good news ! Once your car is two years old, you get a discount on the premium. First, at 2.5%, this reduction amounts to 20.4% after 10 years. Not bad is not it?
A favorable rate for young people
Your daughter or son buys a car. So he needs insurance. Ethias has a special offer for young drivers, with a price quite affordable. Discover Ethias Young Drivers. This insurance for young people aged 18 to 29 rewards responsible driving. The younger your driver is, the less he will pay for his auto insurance.
Combine insurance and enjoy a discount
We reward your loyalty. If you take out Auto or Home insurance at Ethias, you benefit from a reduced rate on other insurances. For example on your Assistance or Cancellation insurance. Ask your insurer
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