iPhone X
Got a new iPhone X (ten)? Developed by Apple, the iPhone X smartphone has boomed the markets and consumers with its latest handheld device. The iPhone X is powered by Apple’s latest mobile operating system, iOS 11.
The new mobile operating system has introduced some new features and has also brought about many changes. These changes and new features may not have been explored yet by many users who are currently using the iPhone X smartphone.
The latest iOS 11 version of the Apple’s mobile operating system can also be upgraded on iPhone 5S and later platforms of the smartphone device. So, if you own an iPhone 5S and later, give it an upgrade with the all-new iOS 11 and explore the new functionalities that the version of the mobile operating system is capable of doing.
Here are some of the less known things which you can do with your iPhone X smartphone and impress your friends, colleagues, family members, and neighbors.
Check out these amazing things that iPhone X let you do
People who own an iPhone X will be happy to know that there are certain things which you can do on your smartphone and make you become a smart and productive user.
1. Save a website or document into a PDF file
This is a great new feature which is provided in the latest version of Apple’s mobile operating system iOS 11. You can save a website or a document in the PDF format on your iPhone X smartphone device. The previous versions of the mobile operating system did not provide such enhanced feature.
How can you save a website or document in the PDF format on an iPhone X device? It’s pretty simple. When you open a website or a Word document on your Safari browser, simply tap on the page and you will see a couple of options. Look for the ‘Create PDF’ option, which will allow you to save your page as a PDF file on your device or on the cloud. You can also add annotations and share the PDF file with your friends or peers.
2. Use text commands for Siri
iPhone users know what Siri is. For others, Siri is a virtual assistant feature in the iPhone device that is interpreted with voice commands. You can talk to Siri and it answers to what you ask. Now, you can make a much better use of this feature.
You can type what you want to know from Siri and get the relevant answers instantly. This is very useful if you are in a crowded and noisy area and were talking to Siri gets difficult. So, you can resort to text communication with Siri.
To enable ‘Type to Siri’ feature on your iPhone X, go to the Settings menu. From here, go to General then Accessibility and look for Siri. Tap Siri and enable ‘Type to Siri’ to make the feature accessible on your iPhone X smartphone. Now, you should be able to type anything to Siri, wherever you are.
3. Do Not Disturb While Driving
This is a great feature and very handy too, for persons who might want to stay safe while driving. The ‘Do Not Disturb While Driving’ feature lets you automatically silence all the notifications such as of phone calls, text messages, e-mail notifications, social media networking app notifications and other general notifications that are displayed by your iPhone X.
You can enable this feature by going to the Settings page on your phone then select Do Not Disturb and turn on Do Not Disturb While Driving. All the notifications will be silenced while you’re driving so that you can focus more on your driving and less on your phone.
There is also an automated method of using this handy feature while you’re driving a vehicle. This feature can automatically be enabled when you are in your vehicle and your iPhone X is synced with your vehicle’s Bluetooth. Your iPhone X’s accelerometer can also be used for this purpose.
4. Turn live photos into GIFs
iPhone X now allows its users to create amazing GIFs with live photos. The latest mobile operating system has included three effects for Live Photos. You can turn the live photos that you take from your iPhone X’s camera into GIFs by adding effects such as Loop, Bounce and Long Exposure. These effects make your live photos more appealing on your phone. You should give this a try once. It’s as simple as that!
This feature can also be accessed by users who have iPhone 6 and later since the versions can be upgraded to the all-new iOS 11 mobile operating system.
To do this, simply snap a live photo then open the image using the Gallery. Swipe up from the bottom of your phone’s screen to access these three effects and apply the effect that you want to add to your live photo.
5. New customizable Control Centre
The Control Centre on your iPhone X can be customized and lets you add your favorite app shortcuts. You can access the Control Centre by swiping up from the bottom of your phone’s screen, where you will see a bunch of shortcuts. You customize these with your favorite and most used apps.
To customize the app shortcuts and add or change buttons. Go to the Settings menu then go to Control Centre and select the Customise Controls option. You will see a list of options here, and you can choose and add these to the Control Centre.
iPhone X has a lot of other features that you can try. So, go ahead and explore these new features that are offered to you in the iOS 11 mobile operating system.