How to Stay Anonymous Online?

In this internet generation, everything you do is somehow done on the internet, from paying the electricity bills to buying groceries. The Internet has taken over our lives completely, in one way or the other. But you might not be knowing that the everyday things you do on the internet can get you in big troubles.

Hackers are again active, which makes it necessary for you to take care of your details. Hiding your identity and becoming anonymous can be difficult, but by following few general steps, it can be made easier.

Keeping your mail secure

One of the most common ways of the security breach is by sniffing in your mail accounts. Hackers often look for your details through your e-mail accounts and take control of your IP. If possible, try using alias email accounts, to safeguard your conversation. You can also prefer using disposable E-mail IDs. They create different Email accounts for different people.

One more vital step can be using BCC (blind carbon copy) instead of CC. It keeps both you and your recipient safe from getting exposed to threatful people.

Use potent privacy browsers

There are a lot of sites you visit in a day. You may be having one or more browsers, but using a secure browser can help you secure your data from the sight of hackers. Using proxy servers, VPN or mostly used tool Tor can help you with this. If you are concerned about being anonymous to the network; I would suggest you, not to use Google as it has the most commonly and easily accessible servers everywhere.

Prevent online transactions

Another useful advice would be to avoid online transactions as much as possible. Never opt for transaction schemes on sites you don’t trust to be verified for the purpose. If you look closely at the URL of the websites you visit, you will come to notice a very minute difference.

The sites being verified and safe for transactions start with “https,” while those with insecure web links start with “HTTP”. These small precautions can help you avoid threats like bank account hacking and forgery.

More passwords, less threat

One of the easiest ways to keep your accounts secure is to maintain a different and more robust password. Keep different passwords for different sites and social accounts. Never share your credentials with anyone; either known or unknown. There are some things to be kept in the heart. Passwords are one of them.

Try keeping a password that is not easy to guess. According to research, most people keep their birth dates, anniversaries, spouse’s name or common numerical sequences as their passwords. While intending to hack into someone’s account, these are the first guesses that will come to a hacker’s mind. So, better be untraceable and different.

Safeguard what you download

This is the most often thing that most people do on the internet, downloading and sharing is fun until it reveals your anonymity and attracts hackers to have a sneak peek into your life. In this case, also, proxy servers and VPN can do the trick otherwise, for websites like BitTorrent, Seedbox or fast Seedbox may prove helpful.

In the age where the internet has become the backbone of the living; precautions must be taken to avoid mishaps and incidents. Taking these steps can help you widely to take care of yourself as well as to protect and aware others.

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