Categories: Health

Some Breast Cancer Prevention Tips that All Women Must Know

breast cancer

Almost everyone knows of some acquaintance or friend or family who has been touched by breast cancer. However, the good news is that today the risk of several types of cancer including the dreaded breast cancer could be remarkably reduced simply by leading a healthy lifestyle and by consciously making some lifestyle modifications. The best thing about breast cancer is that treatments are consistently getting better and women have educated themselves about the disease and they have a sound understanding of the ways of preventing the disease. First of all you should not follow various myths and false information. One such common myth is that wearing a bra or an underwire bra causes cancer. This is not true.

Here are some effective breast cancer prevention tips that would surely lower your risk of acquiring breast cancer.

Determine the Density of Your Breasts

This is the latest and most effective way of determining if you are having breast cancer. You must necessarily find out if your breasts are dense as that is the most recent way of protecting yourself from breast cancer. When your breasts seem to have relatively more tissue as compared to fat that is quite common in younger ladies, it would make cancer detection difficult on a mammogram. Both the breast tissues and the tumors would be looking white and the fat would look dark.

More importantly, if you have dense breasts then you are running the risk of getting breast cancer 6x more. Remember to go for breast checkups even if your breast density is relatively quite low. You could actually do nothing about dense breasts but you could prevent breast cancer by going through ultrasound or MRI along with the regular cancer screening regimen. You may consider switching over from conventional mammography to the digital mammography.

Breast Cancer Testing: Cancer Antigen ELISA Kits

These effective ELISA kits are useful in quickly quantifying antigen concentrations present in human serum. This is an easy and convenient all-in-one system with no requirements for any additional equipment. You could hope to get rapid results within 4 hours. Visit bio source, the most trusted source of proteins, antibodies, ELISA kits and a lot more. It is the leading source of all laboratory and chemical reagents meant for research and diagnostic services.

Screening Does Save Lives

Since its introduction into mainstream diagnosis, screening has been surrounded by controversy. That said you should know that mammography is certainly one of the most effective breast cancer screening methods and has saved countless lives and will continue to do so. It is true that screening does not do anything in the way of preventing cancer, but it has a significant role in the course of the treatment because it helps detect cancer very early, hopefully in stages when it is still treatable. Mammograms can be started at age 40, and should ideally be taken yearly. It is a good idea to visit your physician and seek their advice about this.

Balanced Diet and Abstinence from Alcohol

Contrary to popular rumors, that moderate alcohol consumption does wonders for your heart as an adult; studies reveal that even low levels of alcohol consumption could boost the risks of breast cancer. If you are a heavy or moderate drinker, you should perhaps keep yourself in check, and quit if possible. Light drinkers don’t have too much cause for concern but should still try abstaining, or at the very least ensuring that things do not escalate.

Watch Your Weight

You need to keep your weight totally under control as you grow older. Because older women have a tendency to accumulate fat and put on weight drastically. You need to abstain from being overweight since that may be the cause of a plethora of cancers including the much-feared breast cancer especially, in menopausal women.

Stay Physically Fit & Always Active

Including a daily workout regimen could be the most effective way of staying fit and healthy. All those women who are devoting about 30 minutes or more to doing regular exercises are always physically active and would be able to maintain an ideal body weight and keep dreaded cancers and other diseases at bay.

Seriously Quit Smoking

Smoking is surely injurious to health as it is a really unhealthy habit. It would be lowering the overall quality of your life. It increases the risks of getting heart diseases, strokes, and even deadly cancers and that may include breast cancer. Quit smoking to stay away from cancer. Moreover, smoking causes bad teeth, foul breath, and wrinkles prematurely.

Conclusion: Do Not Forget that Breastfeeding Is Beneficial

Breastfeeding offers immense benefits to your baby if done for about a year. It could also, help the mother by effectively reducing the risk of getting breast cancer.

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