Long-Distance Relationships
If you have somebody who is very dear to you but lives far away from you, probably in a distant land, or in some other country, you would certainly wish that person was there with you. There are a lot of people who, I believe, goes through such condition. I too have the same condition. It has been over seven years of my relationship, although I’m still keeping my distant relationship alive and happy. But, this is not my story alone.
Our emotion is one crucial factor which keeps us drawn and united with our significant others. Every human being has an emotional touch that can easily bridge the gap between couples, friends, families, relatives, etc. Here, I’m not focusing particularly on spouses, rather, it’s about people who are important to you and can be of any relation to you.
So, if you have a girlfriend/boyfriend, friend, family member or even a family relative who lives somewhere that is not easily reachable, and you want to be in touch with that person on a regular basis, then there are some very helpful things through which both you and the other person can sustain a healthy relationship.
Let’s go through some of these helpful ideas that will give you hope and also help you keep your relationship with the person strong and ever-lasting.
Ideas That Can Help You Cope With Distant Relationships
Don’t be heart-broken and sad when the person who means a lot to you is far away from you. Sometimes, the world can become too small to count the distance between two emotionally attached persons.
Get a hold of these worth-full ideas that can help you sustain your distant relationship.
Establish and maintain communication
The first thing that will keep you connected with the person who you adore the most is through communication. It’s not difficult to keep in touch with your spouse, friend, family or a relative. In fact, this is only possible if you have the willingness to establish communication with the person who is important to you. There’s one more thing that you should keep in mind – never wait for the other person to make the first approach. It should instead, start with you. So, if you are bold enough to make the first move, there will be a strong bond developed automatically between you and the other person.
Harness new technologies
There are many ways you can maintain a constant communication as well as a healthy relationship with the person who is important to you and lives far away from you. In earlier times, people living in distant places could communicate with each other through letters. Today, a lot has changed. New technologies have been invented to make our lives easier.
Therefore, with the use of internet, computers, smartphones and courier services, who needs letters and postal offices? The internet is the fastest means of sharing information and virtually anything around the globe. So, make good use of technology to fulfil your desire and shorten the distance between you and your significant other or even between friends, family and any close relatives.
Make phone calls often
When you have someone who is miles away from you, make sure to have that person’s contact details. This should include the person’s phone number and resident address. These are the two basic contact information that you will need. If you have the person’s phone number, talk to the person over the phone.
Since, distant relationships can be quite lonesome, therefore, it is favourable to start with small and general talks, just to keep the conversation between you and the person comfortable and not defensive in any manner. Also, be sure not to annoy the person by making several calls in a single day, as this might create a concrete wall between you and that person forever.
Start a video chat online
If you miss being on a date with your spouse, or you miss spending those unforgettable times with your friends and you want to re-live those moments, you can still do so. Chatting via text and video calls online is a great way to stay in touch with people who are important to you.
As you go on having fun through text chat and video calls, you will sometimes, temporarily forget that there is any distance between you and that person. There are quite a lot of applications available for your smartphones that allow communication via video possible. Simply get an app that supports both audio and video communication services. Also, suggest the other person to use the same app as yours and you both can live a moment of happiness as well as togetherness.
Send gifts online or via courier services
There is one important factor that can help you maintain a lasting distant relationship. Sending gifts of any kind either online in digital form, or through a courier service, also sends an indirect message to the person making him/her feel important. Hence, sending gifts to the person on special occasions or just casually, will help you keep your distant relationship interesting and alive. I suppose that I don’t have to mention what gifts or presents you can send to the person who is very important to you. In short, send anything that will, or may be treasured by that person forever.
Stay connected via social media channels
Social media is a great way to express yourself and stay connected with your loved ones, friends, families and relatives. Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp etc., are some of the most popular social media channels that allow people across the globe to interact with each other throughout the day and night.
If you like to spend a lot of time on your computer and phone, using these popular social media channels can be of great help to you. You can simply and virtually, be able to fulfill all your communication needs via the social media platform. If you have a lot of friends located in different parts of the world, the social media platform will easily connect you with your distant friends. Create groups, chat and share endlessly.
Share everyday activities
You can keep your distant relationship interesting and alive by sharing daily activities with each other. This can be both fun and a way to better understand one another. For instance, you can share your daily routine with the person who is on another side of the planet and have the other person share the same with you.
This way, you will also know what he/she could be occupied with – this will create a virtual presence between you and that person. You can also share your trivial activities just to keep the atmosphere pleasant between the two of you. It works!
No Relationship Is Distant When There Is Emotion, Hope and Willingness
It should, however, be remembered that emotion, hope and willingness are the three main pillars that are strong enough to bridge the gap between people who are distant from one another.
Make your relationship worthwhile and bring happiness to your life.