Personality Tests
According to researchers, more than 48% of the new hires in any organization are found to fail in their duties in just 18 months’ time. However, for attitudinal reasons such as human interactions and personality traits, around 89% are found to fail. This is more so when compared to cognitive abilities and brain-based skills such as language, problem-solving, reasoning, and logic. Therefore, the question is what the hiring manager and small entrepreneur should do to ensure hiring the right set of people who can contribute towards the growth of the business.
Hiring The Best Candidates
As entrepreneurs, it is their responsibility to hire only talented, knowledgeable and leadership oriented people in the key positions of their business, who can develop teams and help the business to grow in leaps and bounds. The selected candidates should be able to live up to the expectations of their seniors and peers and justify the position for which they are selected. For small entrepreneurs, it becomes all the more important to hire the right candidates. If wrong selection is made, then chances are that the hiring process will become all the more expensive.
Therefore, the hiring manager should follow a simple, but an effective rule to ensure effective recruitment. They should ensure following stepped approach towards candidate selection. It should focus on technical abilities, motivational or attitude disposition and cultural fit. In short, the candidates selected should perfectly fit the profile and the organizational objectives.
Personality Assessment Test
This is considered to be an effective tool used by recruitment companies. Bigger organizations are found to rely heavily on this tool. This tool can also be used by smaller organizations and benefit from it. Personality tests are also called psychometric tests.
This tool has been designed for predicting the behavior of employees at the workplace. This tool can also be termed to be an attempt towards predicting the working skills and abilities of the candidates, instead of worry about if they have the necessary technical and analytical skills for performing the task or not.
Using the tool also helps the employers to know if the candidate will fit perfectly in the given team, especially with each one of them having their own personality types. For any organization to achieve success, it is important for the employees to work together as a team and perform above expectation to provide the desired results. It is only then can productivity will be increased manifolds.
Although there are available free personality evaluation tools on the web, it will be always wise to make use of customized solutions provided by the leading providers in the industry. Those organizations which have made use of this tool have found the recruitment process in any profile to become easy, accurate and more effective.
Different types of personality tests are found. Hence, it will be important for the entrepreneur to choose the right one. That will fit the small organization’s requirements.
The tests offered by the industry experts are developed carefully only by following a rigorous process which relies on statistical analysis and academic research.
Consider these key factors
About cultural orientation
Through cultural orientation, several facets are referring to. One such is termed to be belief structure pertaining to senior leadership. It is state to a powerful way from which culture is developing. Hence, a reflection of the aspect being value in the organization.
Leadership development activities are to engage by individual learners. But this will not be possible without the support of their senior leaders. It is important for the management to invest in personality assessment test to ensure better learning as well as supportive culture.
This is an essential tool that will have to use for both junior and senior leaders. It helps them to embrace properly the leadership development skills.
Supporting processes and tools for personality evaluation
This is the other factor that is to consider. That is relevant to leadership development as well as environment/culture that is create. It is also the number and availability of supporting processes and tools meant for development.
There are different types of learning & development programs and personality assessment techniques available in the market. Doing some research to find the very best one is of utmost importance for the management. Only then can they put to use. Derive the best possible results and enjoy hiring and nurturing future leaders, who can help the organization to move towards the right goals and achieve it.